Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fringe benefits

I'd say a good hour of everyday is spent pouring through etsy and discovering new shops. I've been looking for beaded fringe earrings for a while. I almost bought a pair from target, but hesitated. If I'm trying to get people to buy handmade items from me, I had better buy handmade items from others! There's such a feeling of excitement when you purchase something directly from the person who made it. I did just that today. Heather from Fantasy Beader makes adorable beaded jewelry and when I came across her Yellow Red and Turquoise beaded chandelier earrings, I bought them immediately. The colors are just funky enough for me! I can't wait to receive them in the mail next week.

Don't forget that this saturday is the De Portola Boutique in Mission Viejo. I've been slaving away all week to bring new pieces to my collection. Hope to see you there! For more info, click here.


elsie said...

those are YUMMY and they're going to look oh so cute on YOU!

Fantasybeader said...

wow, found this on google. Thank you so much :-)